
When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else -- Joseph Campbell.

For my love of epiphanies

Writers spend a lot of their time in dream worlds, conjuring up visions, vistas and worlds that somehow correlate to the descriptions of their favorite authors. There's always an adventure waiting to happen around the corner, always a stranger waiting to be enveloped as a passionate lover, always an earth shattering moment waiting to redefine the meaning of a floating existence.

We wait in the darkness for someone to switch the light on. Our conversations are peppered with symbols and hidden meanings and jokes shared in the arch of an eyebrow. Someday. Someday the book will be released from the tangles of worldliness and coffee cup stains and take on a life of its own and breathe the way we never did, and suddenly our names will be taken in the same breath with the pillars that we admire.

We wait for epiphanies. And we write by the light of oil lamps just to prove to the world that we are, in fact, living images of the hopeless romantics we refuse to see. But destinies are choices and ephiphanies are created. So here, for my hopeless love for an epiphany, and for the love of all things written, I welcome you back into my world. I think I can see the light.


nick said...

You do realize of course I will be logging in to change this horrific template?

Good to have you back baby...you're already back on my blogroll!

neha said...

LOL. Mi casa su casa babe. The template is yours to change.

Anonymous said...

Well, good to see you back in the world of the tortured artist! That's the only place where agonies can grow. Everything else in reality passes and is lost, but minds can twist and embrace words forever. You're on my Bloglines feed and I'ma gonna put you back onsite right now.

BTW, Wanderlust turned Japanese last I'd seen.


Anonymous said...

i think i might cry =) (happily)

nick said...

Okay, got another template uploaded...your comments my love?